Power Thoughts: You know you’re playing small when …

by | Dec 18, 2013 | Mindset, Power Thoughts

“There is no passion to be found playing small — in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living.”
~ Nelson Mandela

Nelson Mandella

What this quotes means to business:
You know you’re playing small, and not living up to your potential, when:

  • You feel continuously frustrated with the results you are achieving
  • You know you are capable of more, but you keep getting less
  • You find yourself “pulling your punches” in life and sidestepping what you could be doing
  • You dim your light so you won’t outshine others
  • Your bank account isn’t even close to what it should be
  • Your love life isn’t as good as it should be
  • You have a lot of “shoulds” in your life
  • You are unhappy and may not even know why

When you are playing small, when the items on the list above are filling your life, your business will suffer. You may procrastinate in developing products and services that will help your clients and prospects. Your customer service may become less that it could be. You may not take advantage of opportunities that will take your business to the next level. Playing small and holding back prevents you … and those you serve … from benefiting from the gifts, message and skills you were put on this Earth to provide and disseminate.

This Mandela quote really hit home for me. One, because although I’m a big thinker … no matter how small the idea starts out, it always grows with me … I’ve also played small many times in my life.

And two, I’ve dimmed my light because I was afraid to shine too brightly, in part because I was afraid I wasn’t good enough and I would fail miserably, and in part because I didn’t want to be seen as too big for my britches. I played small because I listened to the nay-sayers of my life … and not the cheerleaders.

Can you relate?

Well, no more. Over the past three years I’ve done a lot of work on myself. And, although I’m not 100% where I want to be with my mindset, I’m ready to play big. I’m ready to pull out the stops, face my fears and really go for my big visions fully.

Are you?

Are you ready to make 2014 the best year you’ve ever had? The best year in all facets of your life?

If not, why? And how can you get there?

Do you want to break through your glass wall? Do you want to finally achieve the life you are capable of living? Then check out my Own Your Awesome Self Study program. This program takes all the self-improvement and personal growth work I’ve done over the past several years to improve my life and mindset and distills it into a simple to follow 90-day process that will help you clear the gunk out of your mindset and step onto the path of fully realizing your potential. The Own Your Awesome Self-Study Program will be available in January, but you can pre-order your copy now.


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