Online Marketing for Artists

by | May 6, 2011 | Marketing & Selling

onlinemkg for artists
The Internet is an empowering tool. No longer do artists have to depend on others to sell their work … they can take control of their income and market their work directly to people who will buy.

That said, most artists aren’t interested in being marketers … they’re painters, sculptors, etc. However, this is the real world and all of us are marketers, whether we like it or not. So buck up babe and learn to do at least the basics so that you can make money doing what you love to do.

The basics of online marketing for artists are this:

A Website
You need a website that showcases your work and lets people who like and collect your work know a little bit about you. It doesn’t need to be fancy, it just needs to be effective. For example, I designed my mother’s website, This is a very simple website that showcases the type of art she does and empowers her to easily upload new work as it becomes available. This is a good example of website that lets people know a little bit about the art and the artist.

A more powerful website would also include not only a way for people to buy that art, but make that way easy and obvious. We’re still working on a better way for my Mom to do that, but at least she’s got a basic presence on the web.

Email Marketing
Start collecting the names and email addresses of those who show an interest in your art. Put an opt-in box on your website. Start a monthly e-newsletter that keeps people posted on your activities such as gallery showings, inclusions in festivals and more. If you’re really motivated, write a short blurb about your latest work and include a photograph. Your fans will love getting a “behind the scenes” look at your art.

More advanced online marketing for artists include:

Online auctions
If you know what you’re doing, you can sell quite a bit of your art on eBay. I’m not an expert in this area, so you should find someone who is to teach you. But I’ve heard stories of artists who use eBay quite effectively. Of course, your art needs to be niche specific … that is you can find a specific niche of individuals who will buy your art. For example, many people will buy art of a specific location, so landscapes from Napa county might be a a good seller on eBay.

Video Marketing
Post videos of you demonstrating your techniques. These can be either “music video” style … just showing you doing your work … or they can be “educational style” … you explaining why you’re doing what you’re doing. Other good videos include:

  • Slide shows of a series of related works
  • Testimonials from people who have purchased your work
  • You and/or your work at live events

Always include your URL in the video and the video description so that it helps drive traffic back to your website.

Article Marketing
If you teach, or just want to get better known in your community, strategically written and placed articles can help you build your reputation. For example, you could be come the Examiner of your city on all things art. Yes, this might take away time from doing art, but it can also increase your visibility, which can lead to more sales.

Thinking of self-publishing your book?

Want to make sure it gets on Amazon and the Kindle?
Then check out “How to Leverage to Attract New Clients.” In this audio course I show you how to create a lead-generating book and publish it using either or for physical books and Amazon Digital for the Kindle. You receive step-by-step guides that walk you through the process with ease!


Not sure if self-publishing is right for you?

Check out this free replay of a webinar I did with Daniel Hall: 19 Innovative Ways to Build Your Business With a Self Published Book.


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