On Being Thankful

by | Nov 1, 2009 | Mindset

It is the first of November and I am thankful for a lot of things. One is this blog … who knew that when I purchased The Women’s Business Gallery two years ago it would grow and become such an integral part of my life. I mean … of course I had the intention of it being the center piece of my business, but … wow … it has become so much more than that.

It has become a sort of compass and anchor for me. It grounds me in the day-to-day duties of running a business and points the way for me to forge ahead.

Speaking of which, this month I’m going to be talking a lot about planning for the New Year. Now’s an excellent time to be doing that … before the holidays get too hairy and January sneaks up on you with a pop.

I’ve learned a lot about my self and business planning in 2009 and plan to take those lessons and implement them in 2010. Would you like to join me? Come on! Let’s go!


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