My Intentions for This Month

by | Sep 1, 2009 | Behind the Scenes

As you read this, I’m in Las Vegas. I love the future scheduling feature of WordPress! It let’s me get into my writing groove and write several posts in one sitting, post them to my blog and then schedule them to go out over time. It also lets me keep to my publishing schedule even when I’m on vacation!

This month, I’m covering the topic of virtual assistants. I tried to get some VAs to provide their perspective on the topic, but no one seemed to be interested (the rate individuals who were, couldn’t make the deadline). And, when I did research to write the posts myself I found that the vast majority of content about virtual assistants is from the point of view of becoming one … not hiring one.

So, I’ve had to take what I know from hiring and firing employees, working with administrative assistants and virtual assistants, and generally being in business myself to create the content alone! I couldn’t even find enough articles in article directories to help me out!

Of course, one might say that that should have been a sign that no one cares about the topic from that angle. However, in speaking to my clients, nothing could be further from the truth. There are a lot of small business owners out there floundering because they need help and don’t know how to go about getting it.

It is my intention that this month’s posts will help close that gap … at least a little.


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