Article Marketing and Your Own Products

by | Aug 31, 2009 | Creating Products

You’ve just created your latest information product and now you want to use article marketing to drive traffic to your sales page and help increase sales. How do you do this?

There are probably several ways, but I’m going to share the process that I’ve seen used successfully many times.

Step 1: Develop a list of key word phrases that are related to your product.
What words would a person use to find a solution that is offered by your product? For example, I’m launching a workbook soon that will help people create a simple and flexible business plan that moves them toward the vision they have for their business. Key word phrases that I might write articles around include:

  • how to write a business plan
  • business plan template
  • small business plan
  • writing a business plan
  • steps to write a business plan

Step 2: Write articles optimized for those key word phrases.
You’ll want to create a set of about 10 articles that can easily be found by your target market. You can even write several versions of an article for each key word phrase. That way you can use one version for the article directories, another for your blog and another for a Squidoo lens.

Step 3: Create a compelling resource box.
The resource box is how you direct traffic to your landing or sales page. You’ll want to include a link to your squeeze or sales page several times. Here’s an example:

Discover a simple and easy way to write a business plan that moves you toward your vision at . Sign up for a free 5-module ecourse that walks you through the process and you’ll be on your way in no time!

Step 4: Post your articles to article directories.
And you are basically done. Of course, it is a good idea to keep tabs on those articles and tweak them until they are driving the maximum traffic to your site. And this game plan doesn’t cover the whole process of setting up your marketing funnel, either.


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