Make Your List a “Velvet Rope”

by | Sep 10, 2010 | Marketing & Selling

The velvet rope has become the symbol of exclusiveness. Only special people get beyond the velvet rope.

Well, one way to entice people to opt-in to your list and stay subscribed is to make being on your list a “velvet rope experience.”

Give your subscribers something that is exclusively for them … you don’t offer or provide it anywhere else. This could be an exclusive gift or discount. It could also be advanced notice of things to come.

Make the people on your list feel special. Remember, they are special. They’ve trusted you with their email address and invited you into their email box.

Here are some ideas for making your list a “Velvet Rope”:

velvet rope list-building

For Authors:

  • Provide them with sneak peaks of your forthcoming book
  • Let them know in advance of the public of book signings and other events you’re attending where they could meet you
  • Give them special insight into your book writing process

For Speakers:

  • Provide them with exclusive tips around your topic of expertise
  • Give them advance notice of events you are speaking at that they can attend
  • Give them special subscriber-only discounts to live events

For Coaches:

  • Offer special coaching or group coaching opportunities for subscribers only
  • Offer a monthly Q&A call for subscribers only
  • Provide them with tips that you only send to your list


[four_fifth_last] I hope these ideas have gotten your creative juices flowing.

How can you make being on your list a velvet rope experience? I’d love to read your own ideas and suggestions. Please post them in a comment below. [/four_fifth_last]



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