Give Them What They Want: Selecting Your List Topic

by | Sep 6, 2010 | Marketing & Selling

selecting your list topic
What is your opt-in list about?

Better said, what kind of information do you share with your subscribers?

This is an important question to answer, not only for yourself but your readers, as well.

When you know the answer to this question, you can more easily develop content for your email newsletter and choose appropriate offers to send broadcast emails about.

When you know the answer to this question, you can more easily communicate the value you offer and convert ideal prospects into loyal subscribers.

When formulating the answer to this question, you’ll have to take into account the answers to these questions, as well:

  • What are you an expert at? What is or are your best topics?
  • Within that larger topic or group of topics, what will your ideal prospects want to know about?

If you are an author, your answers should be related to your book or books. You want to build a list of readers who want to read your book and future books. If you write in different areas (like I do), you’ll want to categorize your books into groups and build lists for each group.

If you are a speaker, your answers should be related to your presentation topics and the products you’ve built to support and expand upon those presentations.

If you are a coach, your answers should be related to your coaching niche. For example, if you are a relationship coach, your list might be about dating. If you are a health coach, your list might be about proper diet.

Get the picture?


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