Joint Ventures Can Turbo-Charge Your Business

by | Aug 7, 2009 | Building Relationships, Marketing & Selling

Today I was interviewed on Cindi Dawson’s Blog Talk Radio show, Profiting From Teleseminars, on the topic of joint ventures and how to use them to grow your business.

We covered a lot of really good stuff, so I wanted to make sure you had an opportunity to give it a listen. We covered:

  • What are joint ventures?
  • How can you use JVs to grow your business?
  • How can use teleseminar joint ventures to grow your business?
  • The importance of knowing your goals before planing a joint venture.
  • How you can entice potential joint venture partners to do a joint venture with you … even if you’re an unknown.

And so much more! This was an information-packed hour that brought together both Cindi’s and my knowledge to bear on the subject of joint ventures and teleseminars!


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