An Action Plan for Efficient Article Marketing Writing

by | Aug 5, 2009 | Marketing & Selling, Taking Action

As I mentioned in my last post, the pre-writing is the time-consuming part of “writing” an article for your article marketing. But that can be managed, as well. Here is a simple action plan that will help you swiftly create articles that grab attention and generate traffic.

Step One: Choose Your Topic and Select Winning Keywords
You want your articles to be rich in key words and phrases that people are searching for online. The tool I’ve found most helpful (thanks to my mentor, Daniel Hall), is:

You’ll see the place to enter your search phrase under the headline “Try The Coolest Keyword Research Tool Today!” Just enter your topic and see what pops up.

If you were to type in the search term “dog training”, your results might look something like this:

figure 1


figure 2
But you don’t need to look at all that data. You only need to focus on the column labeled “Google daily est,” as highlighted to the right.

You’re looking for keywords that have a Google daily estimate of 50 or more. Also, you want phrases of three or more words. For example, in this search good phrases to write articles around include dog training collars, in home dog training and dog training equipment. People who use detailed keyword phrases like this are searching for a solution and will be more likely to read your article and click the link in the resource box.

Step Two: Create Compelling Headlines Based on Your Keywords
You want your keyword phrase to not only be in your headline, but be as close to the front of the headline as possible. Search engines often weigh the first few words of a headline the most. Here are some examples of headlines using the key word phrases I mentioned above:

  • Dog Training Collars: Which One Is Right for You and Your Dog?
  • Top 10 In Home Dog Training Tips
  • 5 Must Have Pieces of Dog Training Equipment
  • Comparing Dog Training Collars: Which Ones Work the Best?
  • How to Use the Most Popular Dog Training Equipment

Keep in mind that your headline needs to grab the potential reader’s attention, but to do so authentically. A good headline for article marketing summarizes what the article will be about, makes a promise to the reader (usually about addressing some sort of pain the reader might have), and includes the keyword phrase.

Step 3: Just Start Writing
If you’ve done your job right, your headline pretty much tells you what you will be writing about … it gives you the objective of the article. Therefore, all you need to do is just keep your headline’s promise.

You need to disengage the school teacher in your mind so that you can write with the flow. And, since you’re only going for 300 to 500 words, you should be able to fulfill your headline’s promise in no time.

It may take some practice at first to get the first two steps down so that step three is a breeze. You may only write 2 articles in an hour. But that’s O.K. Keep practicing. For, once you have the knack, you’ll be flying through the writing, building a library of traffic pulling articles to post on article directories.


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