Increase visibility with visual content

by | May 24, 2013 | Marketing & Selling

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Visual content may impart less information, but in today’s busy world, most people want a quick download of just the facts. Add to that the fact that most humans are visual creatures, it makes sense that visual information is shared more than non-visual information.

According to a Hubspot study, photos on Facebook pages get 53% more “likes” and 104% more comments than text posts. And, according to a study by Simply Measured, videos are shared 12 times more than links and text posts, combined.

So how do you use this information to increase visibility online? You create and share as much visual content as possible!

Create and post on YouTube videos that showcase your expertise. They don’t have to be fancy, just informative and engaging. The more consistent you are with posting (weekly is great!), the better. Once posted, either share or load onto Facebook, share on Twitter and Pinterest, and, if appropriate, share on LinkedIn, as well.

A picture paints a thousand words, so make those words count. Add a caption to the image and you’ll increase brand recognition. Be careful that you have the right to share that image, though. You don’t want to be sued or fined for stepping on someone’s copyright.

Images that illustrate statistics, facts and trends are quite popular, and when well done get shared around social media. If you can show some information relevant to your target audience in a visually stimulating way, you would be well advised to create an infographic and share it on your blog and in social media.

The more visual content you create and share with your target market, the more likely it will be shared and increase your visibility across the web. Using a mixture of visual and text based information helps you meet the information needs of your audience and increase the likelihood of that information being shared.


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