How To Get Your Opt-In Bonus Noticed

by | Jul 28, 2010 | Marketing & Selling

get your opt-in noticed
Once someone visits your website, you need to draw their attention to your opt-in bonus so that the visitor will give you their name and email address to get their hands on it.

Now, if the website he or she is visiting is a squeeze page, this is easy to do. Because that’s pretty much all that is on the page … your opt-in bonus.

But when you have your opt-in box in the side bar of your main website, how do you get it noticed … and desired. Here are a few tips.

Include Eye-Catching Virtual Packaging
Have your graphic designer create a nice three-dimensional representation of your opt-in bonus. Virtual packing is just as necessary as physical packaging in creating desire for a product or opt-in bonus. Put this graphic in your opt-in bonus and it will get noticed more often.

List the Benefits
Include a bulleted list of the top three benefits your opt-in offers. This helps entice the visitor to opt in to your list.

Point to the Opt-In
Include a big, bold arrow that points directly to your opt-in box or bonus. Arrows draw the eye and will help get your opt-in noticed.

Ask a Compelling Question
Create a headline that asks a question that your ideal target is thinking. Make it provocative, controversial or just intriguing. Be sure it is a question your opt-in bonus answers, of course!

“Would You Like To Know the Secrets to Enticing Your Ideal Prospects to Give You Their Name and Email Address?”

Take this free e-course and receive a recording of Cindi Dawson, the Teleseminar Coach, grilling Carma Spence, author of Home Sweet Home Page, about creating enticing opt-in bonuses: Opt-In Bonus Secrets.


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