How to Find a Virtual Assistant

by | Sep 18, 2009 | Marketing & Selling

Virtual assistance is a growing business so there are plenty of virtual assistants out there just waiting to help you with your business. But how do you find them? Here are some tips.

  • Google: Not the best method, but you will find some virtual assistants and virtual assistant agencies by looking for them in a search engine such as Google.
  • Referrals: Know anyone who is using a virtual assistant? A good bet is that they will be able to point you in the right direction.
  • Social Networks: Reach out to your followers on Twitter and friends on Facebook. You may be connected to a virtual assistant and not even know it!
  • Craig’s List: You might find someone listing their services on Craig’s List, or you can post a help wanted advert.
  • Freelance Boards: Places like Elance or might be good places to find a VA to try out on a per project basis.
  • VA Groups: The International Virtual Assistants Association and other professional groups that serve VAs are good places to look for referrals. So are organizations that offer virtual assistant training.


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