Golden Nuggets and Your Benefits Story

by | Jan 19, 2015 | C.A.P. Podcast, C.A.P. Podcast - Video, Marketing & Selling, Video

Maurice DiMino on The C.A.P. Podcast, Part 4

In this fourth excerpt of the October 2, 2014 episode of The C.A.P. Podcast, Maurice DiMino talks about crafting a benefits story.

In this video, Maurice not only shares what a typical benefits story is — a case study of someone who has benefited from what you have to offer — but also how you can craft one if this is the first time you are offering this product or service. I put him on the spot and had him give us an example of what a benefits story might look like if you don’t have any case studies to share.

You can listen to the full podcast, as well as view other video excerpts here.


[/one_fifth][three_fifth]I would LOVE to answer your questions on future episodes of The C.A.P. Podcast! Do you have a question about overcoming money blocks, online marketing, public speaking or mindset/universal laws? Do you struggle with integrating creativity, authenticity or even profitability into your business? Send your questions to Paul Robinson at with the subject line: “CAP Podcast question.” You can also submit your question via audio by calling (815) 642-4092 or by video by clicking the “o rec” button to the right.[/three_fifth][one_fifth_last][record_video align=”center”][/one_fifth_last]

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