Find inspiration in failure

by | Mar 28, 2013 | Entrepreneurship, Mindset

Ryan Avery

On the first day of the Rockstar Entrepreneur Conference, I was completing one of the exercises in my High Performance Leadership manual. The exercise was a self-assessment of my leadership skills. The point was to see how my self assessment compared to the self assessment I completed at the beginning of the project.

I guess I was pretty hard on myself, because all my scores dropped except one.

I was feeling like a failure.

Then, that evening, I heard a young man speak who changed my whole perspective.

It was Ryan Avery, the youngest person to achieve the honor of World Champion of Public Speaking from Toastmasters International. He have an alternative way to look at the word “fail”:


It occurred to me that I had two ways to look at what was going for me:

  1. I could have a pity party and feel like a failure and let that get me down. Or ..
  2. I could see this as a learning experience and use it to inspire me to grow.

I chose the latter and I hope you do, too.

In business and in life, we sometimes get things wrong. We make mistakes. But when we see them as learning moments rather than reasons to give up, we grow and become better.

How many times did you fall down when you were learning to ride a bike? How many times did you fall down when learning to walk? How many times have you done things wrong in anything you’ve accomplished?

Failure, mistakes and challenges are a part of the journey. They are a part of the learning process.

Do you think life would be better if everything was easy? Let me tell you … it would be boring!

So go out there, try new things and be inspired when they don’t go as planned!


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