My Favorite Transcription Service

by | Jan 10, 2018 | Creating Products, Video, Weekday Wisdom

Weekday Wisdom with Carma Spence, Episode 6

Today I’m going to share with you one of my favorite resources for transcribing audio and video files: I’ve been using Trint to transcribe the audio interviews I recorded for Public Speaking Super Powers. It is easy to use, cost-effective, and time effective. It has really empowered me to move forward with my next book and finally complete the first phase of the project.

Weekday Wisdom with Carma Spence Episode 6

Below you’ll find the video demonstration I recorded this morning, as well as an audio version of the video. But first, I’m going to share with step-by-step how to use, including some features I forgot to mention in the video.


Step 1: After creating an account, log in

When you get to the home page of Trint, you’ll find information about pricing. I misspoke in the video — the lowest price is $12 per hour of uploaded audio or video, which you can secure by purchasing time in bulk. The highest price, which is paid as-you-go, is $15 per hour of uploaded audio or video.

Believe me, you cannot get a human transcriber for that low a price. home page

Step 2: Upload your audio file and select transcription options

For example purposes, I created a short audio to help me walk you through this process. To upload your file, click on the “Upload” button in the upper right of the screen. This will pull up an upload dialogue box where you can find your file and upload it. upload screen

Next, you can select which language the recording is in. Get this: There are three kinds of English! I’m North American, so that’s what I choose. Then click transcribe. transcribe options

Step 3: Wait for the audio to be transcribed

Trint uses voice recognition software to transcribe your file. This is why the service is so quick — no humans are involved. I found 15 minutes or less is the average time it takes to get word that your file has been transcribed — and that’s even with some of my audio files which have been as long as 45 minutes.

Step 4: Edit and proof your transcription using Trint’s user-friendly interface

Once your file is transcribed, you can click on the file’s link to go into it and edit and proof the transcription. click to edit your file

I find it to be a really easy interface to use. Now, this is not a perfect system. As with human transcribers, there will be mistakes. But I’ve found to be on par with human capabilities –, especially with clearly spoken words. You’ll see here, for example, that it misspelled my name. edit interface screen

My transcription editing process goes something like this:

  1. Do a visual sweep of the transcription, looking for glaringly obvious mistakes. I correct them as I go.
  2. I listen to the audio through the interface, pausing when I need to, to make sure the transcript is as clean as possible.

Step 5: Export your completed transcript

Once you are happy with your transcript, you can click export in the upper right corner, and export it in all these different file types. export options

Other Features of Trint

There are several other features that I didn’t demonstrate in the video, which I really like.

1. You can add in the name of people who are speaking. This is a great feature that can save you some editing time later. It also makes it easier to keep track of where you are while editing the transcript. sample transcript - test audio

This is what a transcript can look like without using the name of speaker feature.

Sample trint transcript wit names added

This is what a transcript can look like when using the name of speaker feature.

2. You can organize your uploaded files into folders. As you can see from my expamle, I’ve created folder for Public Speaking Super Powers, Videos and Weekday Wisdom organize files into folder

In Summary

As you might be able to see, I love If you need transcription services and don’t have the time or the money to hire a transcriber, this is a really good option. In fact an ordinary Virtual Assistant (VA) with no transcribing skills could probably do this for you — if you don’t want to do it yourself.

Just in case you were wondering, I’m not an affiliate. I don’t even know if they have an affilate program. I just think it’s an awesome service and I love it.

Don’t box yourself in.
Spread your wings and fly.
You are capable of more than you know!

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