Farewell to a Decade

by | Dec 31, 2009 | Behind the Scenes

Ah, the last post of the year … heck, the decade!

Would you believe I’ve been posting to this blog for two years now? In that time, I’ve published more than 250 posts … the first post to this blog was published on Nov. 1, 2007. I began with weekly posts and now I post about three times a week.

The Women’s Business Gallery was really my first foray into business blogging … before I acquired this website, I pretty much just blogged about science fiction, travel, food and more science fiction.

And this has been a rewarding and eye-opening experience. I hope that you, fair reader, have been enjoying the ride as much as I have.

But now I need to ask you to step up to the plate.

Until now, I’ve pretty much been blogging in the dark … sharing information I believe to be useful. But I really need to know what you would like to read about here.

At the beginning of the month, I asked you to post a comment on a blog post and tell me what burning questions you had about online marketing and building a business you love. So far, only one brave soul has stepped forward. And I’m going to reward her with answering her question in next month’s posts.

Anyone who knows me knows that I can talk about this stuff ’till the cows come home. But what I’d really like to be doing is talking about stuff you actually want to know about.

I’ve created the editorial calendar for 2010 already … but it isn’t set in stone. Please post in the comments below what you’d like me to cover in the New Year. Where do you need some help? some ideas? some inspiration? Take a look at the topics I currently plan to cover. What questions would you like to see answered about those topics? Are there topics missing that you feel are more important? Please share. I really do listen. (And I don’t bite, either.)


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