Everything affects your online presence

by | Mar 8, 2011 | Marketing & Selling, Video

I’m a bit overwhelmed with work this week so I leave you with this thought:

Everything you do and say can affect your online presence. Take the sad case of Mel Gibson. His anti-Semitic tirades and the leaked recording of him threatening his estranged wife has hurt his career. People don’t want to see his films and filmmakers are wary of including him in the cast.

How you behave in public … at the grocery store, at a networking event, at the movies … can have an affect on your online presence. You never know who will be paying attention, and whether or not they will be blogging, Tweeting or online video-ing what they see and hear.

So, if you’re polite and respectable whenever you are in public, you’ll avoid all the crap that folks like Mel Gibson and these days Charlie Sheen are having to go through.


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