Effective testimonials — here’s the script!

by | May 20, 2013 | Marketing & Selling

hamster hattery

Photo of hamster by tenjedendzien.pl, photo of hat by Vasiliy Koval, overall design by Carma Spence

In my last post, I promised to give you a script for an effective testimonial. This script works well if you are giving a testimonial for someone else, as well as when you are getting an testimonial from one of your clients.
Many times, people get tongue-tied (or writer’s block) when it comes to pulling together an effective testimonial. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Just follow this simple script and both the testimonial give and receiver will gain value from the experience.

  1. State who you are — Name, company, website
  2. State what product or service you are providing the testimonial for
  3. State one to three specific benefits you gained from using that product or service
  4. Thank the creator of that product or service
  5. Restate who you are

Here is one example:

Hello! I’m Jane Smith from Hamster Hattery at HamsterHattery.com and I just attended Joe Bloe’s “Marketing to Rodent Owners” Workshop. I have to say it was one of the most content-fill marketing workshops I’ve attended in a long time. I learned not only how to find my target market of hamster owners, but I also learned how to speak to them in a way that made them want to do business with me. In addition, I learned at least five different marketing techniques that I hadn’t thought of before. I would recommend this workshop to anyone who provides products and services to small mammal owners. Joe Bloe is personable, knowledgeable and a very good trainer. Thank you again Joe! This is Jane Smith from Hamster Hattery at HamsterHattery.com,

And here is another:

Hello! I’m Jane Smith from Hamster Hattery at HamsterHattery.com. I purchased Joe Bloe’s self-study program on how to market to rodent owners six months ago. Using the techniques in his program, I have since doubled the number of clients I serve and increased my monthly income by 20%! I have never been happier! And I’ve only used about half the methods Joe teaches in his program. I totally recommend Joe’s “Marketing to Rodent Owners” self-study program. It is worth the investment of time and money to grow your business. Thank you again Joe! This is Jane Smith from Hamster Hattery at HamsterHattery.com.

Testimonials that use this formula are effective for the person receiving the testimonial because they state specific benefits. Just saying someone’s product or service is “great” or “awesome” or some other general adjective is nice, but way to vague to be meaningful to prospective clients or customers.

This formula is effective for the person giving the testimonial because it increases your visibility. Not only will people know who you are and how to find you, but your review will be more likely to be used because of the specificity of benefit you shared.

This script is a win-win for everyone involved. The next time you give … or receive … a testimonial, be sure to use this formula!

Now its your turn:
Do you have any tips for giving or receiving effective testimonials? Have you had positive experiences with giving or receiving testimonials? Please share your sage advice and helpful experiences with us in a comment below.


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