The CAP Podcast, Episode 1: Developing a Persuasive Voice with Cindy Ashton

by | Feb 6, 2014 | C.A.P. Podcast, C.A.P. Podcast - Audio, Marketing & Selling, Video


Your voice affects how people perceive you. Things you may not even be aware of, such as where you hold your stress and how you breathe, can positively or negatively affect your credibility, authority, and message.

My guest on this first episode of The C.A.P. Podcast is Cindy Ashton, a speaking voice and presentation skills trainer, singer/entertainer, and speaker with over 15 years of experience touring and training all over North America, on multiple platforms. She has received awards from both President Obama and the Queen of England and has appeared in multiple media including Metro News, on the front page of the lifestyle section of the Times, and in Performance Magazine alongside Donald Trump.

In this episode, Cindy explains how your voice affects how people see you and provides some useful exercises that will help you develop a more persuasive voice.

Video Excerpts

Part One

Part Two


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