Day 9 of Celebrate You!

by | Aug 9, 2014 | 2014 Celebrate You!, Behind the Scenes, Celebrate You!

Celebrate You! Daily Quote:

Celebration is an active state, an act of expressing reverence or appreciation.

“People of our time are losing the power of celebration.
Instead of celebrating, we seek to be amused or entertained.
Celebration is an active state, an act of expressing reverence or appreciation.
To be entertained is a passive state – it is to receive pleasure afforded
by an amusing act or spectacle… Celebration is a confrontation,
giving attention to the transcendent meaning of one’s actions.”
~ The Wisdom of Heschel

Yesterday, Day 9 of the 31-Day Celebrate You! Challenge, I celebrated my love of nature.

Carma on the beach in Long Beach, Calif.
In the morning I enjoyed an especially lovely walk along the beach.

Then, later in the day I saw a little pale yellow butterfly and stopped to admire it. It fluttered within inches of my face, not once but twice!

I also got to stand within 3 feet of my hummingbird feeder, in full view, and watch a hummingbird feed. It would fly out, regard me for a moment, then continue feeding. This went on for several minutes — long enough for me to get tired of standing in the sun. At that moment, another hummingbird came by and they flew off chittering at each other.

How did you celebrate you yesterday?

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