Day 17 of Celebrate You!

by | Aug 17, 2014 | 2014 Celebrate You!, Behind the Scenes, Celebrate You!

Celebrate You! Daily Quote:

"Throw your hands up in the air and celebrate life." ~ Steven Tyler

“Throw your hands up in the air and celebrate life.”
~ Steven Tyler

Yesterday, Day 16 of the 31-Day Celebrate You! Challenge, I celebrated living in the moment.

I had originally planned to go to a an entrepreneurial event in L.A., but didn’t because I realized my body just wasn’t ready for waking up that early nor the two-hour transportation time (one way). So, instead, I went to my Toastmasters club meeting and volunteered to be an evaluator. Strangely enough, I gave one of the best evaluations, I think, I’ve ever given. I’ve been volunteering for this role more often because I’ve felt it was a weak spot in my speaking skills. I think the practice is working!

I relaxed most of the rest of the day and then went to my club’s annual Wine and Table Topics event. I had a great time!

I tend to be a planner, planning out most of the beats of my day. But every once in awhile, I’ll allow the day to just flow and that’s usually when I have a really good time.

How did you celebrate you yesterday? Please share in a comment below and/or in the Facebook group.

Join the Facebook group and share your celebrations, as well! And, of course, feel free to comment on this post and share your celebrations using the comment box below.


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