Day 1: Sometimes it is the simple pleasures

by | Aug 2, 2013 | 2013 Celebrate You!, Celebrate You!, Mindset

Last year, I went whale watching on Aug. 1 and a mama whale came within 10 feet of the boat. It was a great way to start of my “Celebrate You!” exercise.

This year, I was not so lucky.

Yesterday was pretty much about getting work done and starting some pest control. I spent the day working on client projects and ended it laying down boric acid in the kitchen and bathroom.

As it turns out, my downstairs neighbor was a hoarder (she moved out yesterday). About three weeks ago, her children came over and cleaned out the apartment because she was having some pest issues. Guess where those cockroaches and water bugs went?

Yep. My apartment.

So that was the bulk of what I did yesterday. Not much celebrating of me, eh? So finding the celebration was a challenge.

And then I remembered … I had a scrumptious liverwurst wrap for lunch and a delicious liverwurst sandwich on pita bread for dinner. On both, I added fresh chopped onion and organic cilantro. Yummmy! (I should have taken a picture to share … next time I’ll be more mindful.)

For about a year and a half, I searched for liverwurst. I was just craving it so much. But I couldn’t find it. I found other Underwood spreads … but not liverwurst. Then, a couple of months ago I found some (by Farmer John) at the 99¢ store. Of all places! I’ve been a happy camper every since.

And yesterday I treated myself to liverwurst not once, but twice! Lucky me!

Yes, sometimes it is the simple pleasures that truly celebrate how wonderful and worthy of love you are.

So … how did you celebrate you yesterday?


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