Daily celebrations

by | Aug 18, 2012 | Mindset

I’m a little more than half-way through my experiment in celebration (I decided to celebrate my birthday every day this month by just seeing at least one thing that happens each day as a celebration) and I’m feeling spectacular.

I’ve had days that were truly awesome (whale watching for free!) and others that were more low key (I ate strawberries!).

And what I’ve discovered is that if you want to see things as wonderful, you can. Some days it has been a bit of a challenge, but then I remember I had a cool phone conversation with a friend, or I found a coin while walking, or I took some time out to dance to a favorite tune. I now realize that every day has something magical about it … you just need to look for the pixie dust. It really is there, I promise.

I highly recommend that everyone take one month out of the year to celebrate the big and small and in-between wonders of their lives. I promise you’ll have a much more joyful month, and maybe some of that joy will help you get through the rest of the year, too!

Here’s my list of celebrations to date:

[one_sixth] Date [/one_sixth]
[five_sixth_last] Celebration [/five_sixth_last]

[one_sixth] Aug. 1 [/one_sixth]
[five_sixth_last] I went whale watching for Blue Whales courtesy of The Aquarium of the Pacific [/five_sixth_last]

[one_sixth] Aug. 2 [/one_sixth]
[five_sixth_last] I had a great meeting at Long Beach Technical Tools Toastmasters and became the VP of PR [/five_sixth_last]

[one_sixth] Aug. 3 [/one_sixth]
[five_sixth_last] I attended The Amazing Clarks’ Love and Dating Meetup [/five_sixth_last]

[one_sixth] Aug. 4 [/one_sixth]
[five_sixth_last] I got to hear José’s wonderful speech again at Speak Out! Toastmasters [/five_sixth_last]

[one_sixth] Aug. 5 [/one_sixth]
[five_sixth_last] I had a great "Miracle" call and ate Tiramisu with lunch. Yum! [/five_sixth_last]

[one_sixth] Aug. 6 [/one_sixth]
[five_sixth_last] I ate 20 fresh organic strawberries … lusciously yummy! [/five_sixth_last]

[one_sixth] Aug. 7 [/one_sixth]
[five_sixth_last] My jasper jewelry arrived. I had a nice conversation with a new friend. And a nice exchange with someone on OKCupid. [/five_sixth_last]

[one_sixth] Aug. 8 [/one_sixth]
[five_sixth_last] Another book arrived. My day was quite profitable. I had nice conversations with two of my male friends. [/five_sixth_last]

[one_sixth] Aug. 9 [/one_sixth]
[five_sixth_last] A cool new book arrived. That guy on OKCupid gave me his number (I won’t call it, but it was nice to receive anyway.) [/five_sixth_last]

[one_sixth] Aug. 10 [/one_sixth]
[five_sixth_last] I got to spend time with my awesome friend Cindy! I haven’t seen her in a year! [/five_sixth_last]

[one_sixth] Aug. 11 [/one_sixth]
[five_sixth_last] I attended a Toastmaster’s training, met some nice new people, and found out things were OK with a new friend I thought I might be losing. [/five_sixth_last]

[one_sixth] Aug. 12 [/one_sixth]
[five_sixth_last] Ate oatmeal cookies with lunch. [/five_sixth_last]

[one_sixth] Aug. 13 [/one_sixth]
[five_sixth_last] Had a great call with a friend, read another friend’s poetry, danced to music in my living room and had oatmeal cookies with lunch. [/five_sixth_last]

[one_sixth] Aug. 14 [/one_sixth]
[five_sixth_last] My driver’s license (which was lost by a government office in April) was finally found. Woo hoo! Happy dance time! [/five_sixth_last]

[one_sixth] Aug. 15 [/one_sixth]
[five_sixth_last] I got a lot done and still have time to take breaks to watch some TV for lunch and dinner. Sweet! [/five_sixth_last]

[one_sixth] Aug. 16 [/one_sixth]
[five_sixth_last] I had a nice conversation with a friend … as well as surprise payment from a client. [/five_sixth_last]

[one_sixth] Aug. 17 [/one_sixth]
[five_sixth_last] Went grocery shopping and found tiramisu, oatmeal cookies and chocolate bundt cake all on sale! Also picked up some cool stuff for my picnic day on Catalina Isand on the 26th. Found out a friend got 2nd place in a competition he was in (I totally knew he could do it!). Feeling spectacular. [/five_sixth_last]

I can’t wait to see what wonders await me today!

And then there are all the things I have to look forward to …

  • Tonight I’m going to Speak Out! Toastmasters Disco Night party. Time to dance my booty off!
  • Aug. 23 I’m going to Speaker’s Bureau and learning how to be a rock star marketer.
  • Aug. 26 I’m going to Catalina Island and spending the day shooting video, picnicking and reading.

And who knows what other wonderful things will happen along the way?

1 Comment

  1. Mary Ann Hee

    Hi Carma!
    Just read through your site today and ‘am so encouraged to start writing up my “Gratitude Book” as well. I suppose it’s nevr too late for one who will be turning 57 on the 25th of September to venture in the same way that you are doing right now. I am in the process of launching my own business (Training and Consultancy on Occupational Health and Safety), but somehow, there’s that nagging feeling deep down inside – more of fear of the unknown and not really quite sure how to get the business rolling. Your thoughts on this will be highly appreciated. Thank you and have a blessed day!


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