Creating a Winning Written Information Product

by | Jan 8, 2010 | Creating Products

The blank page … it stares at you, mocks you, even shames you. Are you really good enough to be writing this information product?

Of course, you are! You have information that others don’t have …

  • You are more advanced in your learning than some people
  • You have a different way of looking at the information than some people
  • You have a different way of expressing yourself than others

You were born to bring that information product to life. And you can do it in one of two ways:

  • Write it yourself, or
  • Hire someone else to write it.

If you choose the latter, here are some tips to get you through this project:

Create An Outline
Break the larger topic into smaller subtopics and then focus on each smaller portion one at a time. This transforms a big project into a series of smaller, easier to accomplish projects.

Write for the Ear
Write your copy as if you were writing a letter to a good friend. Another way to do this is to record yourself talking about the topic, have it transcribed, and then massage the transcription into your written product.

Either way, when you write for the ear you accomplish several things:

  • You make your product easier to read. The person reading can almost “hear” you speaking to them through the words.
  • You are more likely to use simpler words, so everyday people can understand what you’re talking about.
  • You cause yourself to relax into the writing. When you’re not focused on perfect grammar (that can come later) the words will flow from your fingers more easily.

Now that you’ve got the first draft complete, you’ll need to spruce it up for consumption.

Edit it for content, flow, grammar, spelling, etc. I wrote an article that goes into the editing process a bit further. You can read it here.

Add some color and illustrations. Add in images that enhance the content such as graphs, charts, and tables. Images that illustrate a point an emotional level help, too.

Create compelling packing. If you are going to sell this product as a digital download, create virtual packaging. I talk a little bit about this in my new book, Home Sweet Home Page.

And finally, you’ll need to lay down the sale process:

  • Shopping cart – you can use something like DLGuard or 1ShoppingCart, or go with ClickBank or PayDotCom, which also give you an affiliate program
  • Affiliate program – enlist others to help you sell your product in return for a commission
  • Sales letter – show potential customers why they should buy your product, how it will help them answer their burning questions
  • Promotional system – drive traffic to your sales page through blogging, article marketing, joint ventures, public speaking and more.


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