Choosing Titles for Your Articles

by | Mar 15, 2009 | Marketing & Selling

Being a writer for most of my life, I’ve felt the draw of using creative titles for my article marketing submissions. But, if gaining the benefits of search engine optimization and increased traffic is your goal, then resist that draw with all your might! Here are some guidelines to follow when selecting a title for your next article marketing submission.

Use your best key words

When people search for information on the Web, they use key words. If the key words they used are in your title, they’ll be much more likely to find it (because it will rank higher in the results) and be more likely to click on that result and start reading your article.

Choosing Titles for Article Marketing Submissions

Start off with your key words

Search engines and people will give your article a greater weight if the key words they used are the first words in the article. This tactic can sometimes leads to awkward titles, but they rank higher in the search engine results.

Article Marketing: How to Choose a Title

Be Specific

The title of the article should make a promise about what the article holds in store for the reader. This is why titles with “10 tips” and “How to” are so popular. They make a compelling promise.

How to Chose Titles for Article Marketing

As you can see from the examples above, you can’t always follow every rule at once. But if you mix them up, following one rule for one article (or version of the article) and another for the next, you’ll be ranking higher in the search engine results in no time!

For more information about article marketing, check out the FAQs page. If your question isn’t answered, you can submit your own question.

Would you like some help with your article marketing?
An Article Marketing Marathon may be just what you’re looking for! I’ll hold your hand — virtually, of course — and assist you with key word research, writing headlines and writing guidance. To see when the next Article Marketing Marathon will be held, visit


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