Celebrations 2016, Day 9

by | Aug 10, 2016 | 2016 Celebrate You!, Behind the Scenes, Celebrate You!

Wow, I’m really falling down on the job this year! I’m so busy, going from one task to the other, I often get lost in the day. So what did I celebrate yesterday?

Hmmm. Well. I got some work done, but not as much as I wanted.

I participated in a focus group. It was my first one. It was interesting and fun. It was done online and the market researcher conducting it was in London! (Yes, England!)

I also created a debt list … it was eye opening. I owed a bit more than I realized, but it isn’t as bad as its been in the past. So, I’m happy with where I am and how I’m managing my debt.

I guess that’s worthy of celebration.

This Celebrate You! Challenge has always been a lot easier for me. I guess I was due for some actual challenge, eh?

How are you doing?


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