Celebrations 2016, Day 8

by | Aug 8, 2016 | 2016 Celebrate You!, Behind the Scenes, Celebrate You!, Mindset

Carma at the orthodontist

Here I am at the orthodontist, after having to take out my hair clips and put them back without a mirror.

Today I have two celebrations to share. The first is this: I made it across a six-lane, busy street without having a full on panic attack. The second is that I’ve officially started my orthodontic journey.

Let me expand on those two celebrations.

In order to get to the bus stop I needed to get to the orthodontist, I had to cross the very busy, six-lane street in front of the campus where I work. As I approached the corner, the sounds of the cars whizzing by causing my anxiety to rise, I started saying to myself, “I’m OK, everything is OK” over an over. By the time the light turned green for me to walk, a tear was making its way down my cheek.

I looked both ways and started to walk, my breath catching in my throat.

“I’m OK, I’m OK, I’m OK, I’m OK, I’m OK.”

The flashing red hand came on when I was at the half-way point. My breath quickened some more, but I kept going. All the cars were stopped and they had a very clear view of me crossing the street. No one needed to turn left. I was OK.

Finally, I made it to the other side. I leaned against the pole of a street light and caught my breath.

I made it. I was OK. I was crying a little, but I was OK.

It took about half the bus ride for me to get back to calm.

But I did it. I braved the road and made it to the other side. I could have chickened out. I could have taken a bus that would have dropped me on the other side of the road and added another 30 minutes to my trip. But I faced my fear and survived.

That’s something to celebrate!

And it got me to the orthodontist on time. Pictures were taken. Scans were taken. Within a month, I should have my Invisalign braces and be on my way to getting my bite and my smile back.

Another celebration!

Today’s lesson was to respect yourself. By facing my fears and by taking the steps I need to improve my health, I’m respecting myself.

I could look at my fear of crossing the street as a way to beat myself up and prove I’m weak. But I chose to see it as merely a symptom of the trauma of my accident, something that can be faced and over come … one street crossing at a time.

1 Comment

  1. Mom

    My brave girl. How traumatic, but you beat it!


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