Celebrate You! 2016 Day 9

by | Aug 9, 2016 | 2016 Celebrate You!, Celebrate You!, Mindset

Learn more about the 31-Day Celebrate You! Challenge

“Don’t ask yourself what the world needs, ask yourself what makes you come alive. And then go and do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” – Howard Washington Thurman

Ask yourself what makes you come alive — then go and do that.

The analogy of the oxygen mask on a plane works really well in comparison to how lighting your own fire empowers you to light up the world. When you dim your light — don’t honor what makes you shine — you dim the overall light of the world. You cannot inspire and help others if you do not inspire and help yourself first.

Like I mentioned in yesterday’s post, it was my work on getting to a place of self-respect that opened doors to greater happiness for me. Also, this work opened up opportunities for me to make an impact in the world that I hadn’t been able to access before.

Your fire is important. It is your fire that allows you to light the fire of others in whatever way you were born to do. By not doing what makes you come alive, you are depriving the world of your gifts.

Day 9 Exercise

  1. Catch yourself being Awesome at least once today … and celebrate it well.
  2. What makes your heart sing? Write down three things you absolutely love to do. Then plan to do at least one of them before the end of this month.
  3. Continue to add to your list of what you love about you.

Want Brownie Points? Post something from your list of Awesome in the Facebook Group! And be sure to use the #CelebrateYou hashtag.


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