Celebrate You! 2016 Day 8

by | Aug 8, 2016 | 2016 Celebrate You!, Celebrate You!, Mindset

Learn more about the 31-Day Celebrate You! Challenge

“Our self-respect tracks our choices. Every time we act in harmony with our authentic self and our heart, we earn our respect. It is that simple. Every choice matters.” – Dan Coppersmith

Every time we act in harmony with our authentic self, we earn our respect.

One cannot act outside the accordance of one’s self-respect. In other words, if you don’t respect yourself, you will take actions that prove you are not worthy of respect. You will allow others to treat you badly. You will put yourself in the path of bad behavior. I know this from personal experience.

When I was younger, I didn’t believe that I was good enough. I didn’t realize this consciously, but subconsciously I attracted one abusive man into my life after another. Each one was a bit more abusive than the last, until a couple years ago my boyfriend attacked me in my bed and even fractured my orbital (the bone around the eye). Thankfully, I also had people in my life who did value me and encouraged me to call the police. That former boyfriend is now in prison.

But that was a real wake up call. I took a year off dating and worked intensely on myself. I went to counseling. I participated in a domestic violence educational group. And I spent time working on my mindset. Eventually, I got my head together and stepped into my own self-respect. And in so doing have attracted a man into my life who treats me well and loves me just as I am.

That could not have happened if I had not learned to respect myself and listen with honor to my authentic self. The Celebrate You! 31-Day Challenge is one of the tools I used to improve my self-respect. It is my hope that it can do the same for you.

Day 8 Exercise

  1. Catch yourself being Awesome at least once today … and celebrate it well.
  2. Take 15 minutes to do a self-respect audit. Are you grateful for what you have in your life? Or do you discount what you have? Do you acknowledge your achievements? Or do you ignore them, looking for ways that you aren’t good enough? Do you have integrity with yourself? Or do you break promises you make yourself?
  3. Continue to add to your list of what you love about you.

Want Brownie Points? Post something from your list of Awesome in the Facebook Group! Or share something from your self-respect audit. And be sure to use the #CelebrateYou hashtag.


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