Branding Tips: Podcasting

by | Mar 16, 2011 | Marketing & Selling

podcast branding
Podcasting is a great way to showcase your expertise and highlight your brand. Here are three branding tips for your podcasts.

The content and format of your podcast should be an expression of your brand. Will you be an interviewer, like I do on The Genre Traveler Podcast? Will be the interviewee, like Karen Capello did with her Kcast? Maybe you’ll be a co-host, sharing the audio space with someone else. This works well if bouncing your ideas off another showcases your brilliance. Perhaps you’ll create a how-to podcast in which you’re the only speaker, but you share great advice on how to accomplish things. Whatever format shows off your talent to the best effect and gives listeners something interesting and valuable … that’s the content and format you want.

Find intro and extro music that expresses your brand. Much like a discussed in my last post, you’ll want the music to make sense and support the emotional undertone of your brand.

How will people find your podcast? There are several ways you can make it available on iTunes, from WordPress plugins (be careful, they don’t always play well with other plugins) to podcasting services like PodBean, which I use for The Genre Traveler Podcast.


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