Book Review: “Ask More, Get More” by Michael Alden

by | Jul 11, 2014 | Mindset, Reviews

Ask More, Get More:
How to Earn More, Save More, and Live More…Just by ASKING

By Michael Alden
Emerald Book Company

Available through Amazon in paperback and Kindle editions. You can find it at other fine online and offline book sellers, as well.

Summary of Ask More, Get More:
When you ask more of yourself and those around you … you get more. That’s the premise of this book by Michael Alden. The book is part memoir, part self-improvement guide, part financial advice guide. It includes tales from the author’s life that illustrate the points the author is trying to make, which range from how to be a better human being to how to make and save more money.

What I liked about Ask More, Get More:
Michael’s stories were very entertaining. Some made me laugh. Some made me cry. All made me want to keep reading. His voice is clear and succinct throughout the book.

Also, his advice rings true to me and in many ways, I believe, his adage of “ask more, get more” is not dissimilar from my “own your awesome” philosophy. When you ask more of yourself, you are stepping into your power and expanding the limits of your personal awesome. When you ask more of others, you are sometimes empowering them to own their awesome and at others owning your own by standing up for yourself and asking for what you want.

I especially liked what Michael had to say about failure and risk-taking:

On Failure:

Sometimes you have to be defeated to build value in you
“I’ve said this before, and you need to say it every day: I have never failed at anything; I have only experienced defeat, and I will learn from it.

“Sometimes you have to be defeated to build value in you.”

On Taking Risks:

“Taking a risk is absolutely necessary to be successful in business and your personal life. … Successful people take risks!”

“Taking risks also involves vision, an intangible part of taking a risk that cannot be put on paper or into a formula. Sometimes you have to trust your vision and instinct.”

What I didn’t like about Ask More, Get More:
This is more of a nit-pick … yes, I understand that repetition helps make a point stick, but sometimes I found it a little distracting and off-putting. But not much, really.


grey star

The book is an easy read and I’d recommend skipping the Kindle version and going for the paperback so you can earmark the techniques you want to refer back to.

NOTE: I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. If you’ve read past book reviews, you’ll know that I don’t pull my punches when I believe they are warranted. I also try to provide balanced information so you can make your own decision to read or not read the book, even if you disagree with my opinion.

Read more book reviews here.


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