Article marketing and your online presence

by | Mar 5, 2011 | Marketing & Selling, Video

Article marketing can be a powerful part of your online presence because you can exert some control over it. It can go viral, it can support your expert status and it can drive traffic to you website.

Don’t worry if your business is not based on expert knowledge, article marketing can still help you with search engine optimization and traffic … you just need to be more creative. I wrote about this at the Women’s Business Gallery on Friday.

Alternative Types of Article Marketing for Creative Professionals

If you have a hard time coming up with ideas for your articles, I’ve written about some ways you can get inspired, too.

Trolling for Topics — On Autopilot

If you still need help with article marketing, you might consider checking out my Article Marketing Marathon service.


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This video podcast is sponsored by Home Sweet Home Page: The 5 Deadly Mistakes Authors, Speakers and Coaches Make with Their Website’s Home Page and How to Fix Them! Available in both paperback and e-book formats, including the Amazon Kindle. Written in simple language, short and to-the-point, this book can help you make your website more effective in attracting the right prospects and clients. And you can grab yours for only $9.99!


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