Article Marketing: 3 Ways to Find Inspiration

by | Aug 10, 2009 | Marketing & Selling

There truly is nothing new under the sun, and this is especially so in article marketing. So why not jump start your process with a little help from those who have blazed the trail before you? Here are a few ways to find inspiration for your articles.

Keyword Phrase Research
I talked a little bit about this last Wednesday, but wanted to reiterate it here, too.

The longer keyword phrases can not only inspire you on the topic of your articles, but also ensures that people are looking for this type of information. This is especially true if the keyword phrase includes the following key words: How to or Tips.
This is probably the most top ranked article directory, so it is an excellent source of inspiration. When you read enough of what others have written about your topi, you’ll find that the same information is regurgitated over and over.

This is a good thing! Now you know what information people want to know. So take that information and re-write it in your own words, giving it your own unique spin and personality. (Do not plagiarize — copy another’s words and claim that they are your own — that’s illegal!)

Take a look at what others have written and discover what’s missing. How can you improve on the information already provided?

Google Alerts
Another way to find ongoing inspiration is to set up a Google Alert for your keywords. Be sure to make it a comprehensive search so you’ll receive inspiration from all over the web. This little tip brings inspiration directly to your email inbox on a regular basis.


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