8 Types of Headlines That Sell

by | Oct 30, 2009 | Marketing & Selling

In my last post I talked about some practical tips for writing effective headlines. In this post, I’m going to be even more specific and share with you eight different types of headline templates you can use to draw people into your copy.

First, when writing a headline, don’t think of how you should write it, think of what it should communicate to your visitors. What emotion do you want to evoke? Then, take a look at these templates and see which one will get you there.

1. News Headline.
This type of headline is often used during the launch of a product or service, because the newness is newsworthy. This type of headline often includes the following words:

  • Now
  • New
  • Introducing
  • Just Released
  • Finally
  • At Last
  • Announcing

Finally! A New Diet Pill that Can Work For Just Seven Days!

2. Benefit Headline.
Remember, features don’t sell … benefits do. So, talking about your most compelling benefit upfront in your headline can work very well.

Cleans and Whitens Your Teeth!

3. Guarantee Headline.
These are headlines which present appealing benefits and guarantee results. If your product or service provides a powerful guarantee, let your prospects know it by declaring it on your headline.

Loose 5 Pounds in Two Weeks – Guaranteed!

4. How to Headline.
The phrase “How To” is very compelling all on its own. So a headline that claims your product or service and show the reader “hot to” do something can work very well.

How to Win Back Your Husband

5. Testimonial Headline.
Use your success stories to sell your stuff. Quote a satisfied customer in your headline and you not only draw the reader in, but provide social proof, as well!

“I Earn A Lot By Just Purchasing this Self-Help Book”

6. Question Headline.
You must be cautious when using this type of headline. Your question needs to be one that your prospects would ask … if not, they’ll go away without reading further. The best question headlines are those that encourage your prospects to be involved … and you do this by knowing how they think and writing in a recognizable voice.

Have You Turned Your First Date Into Disaster?

7. Command Headline.
Some headlines are bossy … they tell your prospects what they should and will do. The command must encourage action through benefit offerings that will really help them. Most effective headlines must start with action verbs.

Stop Your Financial Problems!

8. Reason Why Headline.
Start off your copy with a reason to read on. Again, this type of headline is benefits focused. Also, facts and figures work well in this type of headline.

Easy and Fun Ways to Earn $500 From Home.

You can model your headline from the types listed above; but be sure to make your headlines sizzle and compel your prospects to read your copy.


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