Today Is What You Think Upon Grows Day

Thoughts are powerful things. What you think about today creates your reality tomorrow. The more positive your thoughts, the better your life will be. I hope I don’t need to tell you the opposite is true, too. May 31 is What You Think Upon Grows Day … a day to spend...

Marketing Short Stories Online

Short stories are a tricky beast. People don’t usually go out looking to buy them, but they love having them around. Novels are easier to market than short stories, but anthologies still have a decent market. So how do you use the Internet to market your short...

Marketing Poetry Online

Poetry has never really been an easy sell. People either love poetry or they don’t. They either fancy yours or they don’t. But the Internet actually makes it easier for poets to reach their world-wide fan base. Here are some ideas: Blog your poetry. I do this over at...

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