What to send to your email list [Words of Wisdom]

by | Aug 30, 2019 | Building Relationships, Marketing & Selling

Have you ever wondered what you should send to your email list? In this video, I share 6 things you can do to generate ideas and six suggested content ideas you can use right now.

If you’re interested in watching this video, you probably already know that email marketing – building a list of subscribers and regularly sending them emails – is one of the most effective marketing tools.
Here are some stats in case you aren’t convinced of that.

  • Emails are 6 times more likely to get a click-through than a tweet. (Campaign Monitor)
  • Emails result in 3 times more social media shares than visitors from other sources. (QuickSprout)
  • Your message is 5 times more likely to be seen via email than Facebook. (Radicati)

And that’s just talking about getting eyeballs on your message. Conversions into customers and clients are also better with email.

  • Email has the highest conversion rate (66%) and drives more conversions than any other marketing channel, including social media, search engine traffic, direct mail, and other marketing vectors. (Monetate and DMA)
  • And, finally, according to WhoIsHostingThis “Email Deliverability 101”, sending four emails a month instead of one significantly increases the number of consumers opening more than one email.

However, this raises a pretty big question: “What should I send to my list?”

In the video above, I share some tips for generating ideas and provide some suggestions for email content. Enjoy!



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  • Show you how to grow your list
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