What Do You Want Your Product to Accomplish?

by | Sep 8, 2008 | Creating Products

You want your information product to be successful, right? Of course, you do! Then, before you do anything else, get clear on what you want the end result of your product to be.

When you really get down to it, the purpose of all informational products is to make the purchasers of the product:

  • feel better,
  • look better,
  • make more money,
  • have more fun,
  • learn something they want to know or
  • solve a problem.

In other words, the object of every informational product is to help those who purchase it in some way that is important to them. Of course, the final objective of the creator of an info-product is to sell it to a large pool of hungry prospects who are looking forward to buying the information on a certain topic.

Creating any product — information or otherwise — is exciting. It is a journey with ups, with downs, with successes, with setbacks, with good days, and bad. While on the journey, it can be easy to lose sight of the destination, the main objective the product is supposed to achieve.

So, when you decide to create a product, you should write down what you want the result to be. What do you want your customers to get out of purchasing your product?

You’ll also need to consider who will buy your product and where you will find them.

With these two things in mind, you should be able to develop a winning info-product that sells well and benefits your target market, as well as your pocketbook.


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