Video and local online presence (with Pacific blue whales)

by | Aug 2, 2012 | Marketing & Selling, Video

Did you know that you can enhance your local online presence and local SEO with video? In this video, I share three tips on how you can do that.

Oh! And stay tuned … more videos on using video for local online presence are in the works!

In review:

  1. Use local locations as a backdrop to your videos.
  2. Make the backdrop a part of the message of your video.
  3. Make the backdrop an illustration of your personality.

Thank you to Aquarium of the Pacific and Harbor Breeze Cruises for making this video possible by hosting a whale watching trip for media.

NOTE: My Bachelor’s degree is in Biology with an emphasis on marine biology. I was once going to be a marine biologist and study the intelligence of dolphins.

Second Note: The seagull in the opening and closing pieces was just standing there staring at me so I couldn’t resist filming it.


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