Using Online Video to Market Your Book

by | Apr 18, 2011 | Marketing & Selling

online book video
52% of all internet traffic comes from video. So if you aren’t using online video as a part of your book marketing efforts, you are leaving money on the table.

But how do you use online video to market your book? Here are several ideas:

Book Trailer
A book trailer is like a movie trailer, but for a book. It is a commercial for the book that makes it sound so good people just want to rush out and buy a copy. Some authors do several versions in different lengths: a teaser before the book comes out and a longer one afterward.

Sample Book Trailer

Author Interviews
You can have someone interview you on video about your book. Or you can take an audio recording of an interview and turn it into a video with slides that illustrate what you’re talking about.

Sample Audio Interview Turned into a Video

Ongoing Tips
If your book is nonfiction, you can start a series of ongoing tips related to the content of your book. I’m doing that to help market my upcoming book, Public Speaking Super Powers. You can find the series here.

Sample Video Tip Based on Book Content

Video Blogging
Instead of writing about your process, why not create video entries? You can share things about your process, tips about writing … whatever you think will get people to become engaged with you and your work.

Sample Author Video Blog Entry

Be creative and then upload your videos to YouTube and Facebook and embed them on your website to help drive traffic to your website!

Thinking of self-publishing your book?

Want to make sure it gets on Amazon and the Kindle?
Then check out “How to Leverage to Attract New Clients.” In this audio course I show you how to create a lead-generating book and publish it using either or for physical books and Amazon Digital for the Kindle. You receive step-by-step guides that walk you through the process with ease!


Not sure if self-publishing is right for you?

Check out this free replay of a webinar I did with Daniel Hall: 19 Innovative Ways to Build Your Business With a Self Published Book.


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