Use your web copy wisely

by | Dec 16, 2013 | Video

Optimize your copy for people and search engines

There are five mistakes I commonly see authors, speakers, and coaches making with their website’s design. In a presentation I gave to Toastmasters District 1 Speakers Bureau in September of last year, I discussed what they were and how to avoid them.

The fifth mistake is the lack of effective copy and copy optimization techniques:

Use your headlines and subheads effectively … and use them to impart key information. When you do this, you are able to give scanners … people who only scan your content, reading headlines, and very little copy, enough information to make their decision. You also improve search engine optimization.

Use plenty of white space. Break larger paragraphs into small ones so that they are more readable online. This isn’t time to follow your grammar school English teacher’s rules for writing essays!

Make sure you are using HTML tags appropriately so that search engines know what your content is about.

For more information about the five deadly mistakes, pick up a copy of my book Home Sweet Home Page: The Five Deadly Mistakes Authors, Speakers and Coaches Make with Their Website’s Home Page and How to Fix Them!

For even more information on how to use the internet to increase your brand’s visibility, pick up a copy of 57 Secrets for Branding Yourself Online.

Missed the the first four videos? You can find theme here:

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