Recommended Reading: Universal Laws and Growth Mindset

Below are good, solid books about various aspects of universal laws and growth mindset. I could recommend more than is listed on this page, for this topical area is large and wide. But I haven’t read those books yet. As I do, I’ll add to this list. But these listed here can give you a good start.


Feel Free to Prosper: Two Weeks to Unexpected Income with the Simplest Prosperity Laws Available
By Marilyn Jenett
Marilyn and her teachings helped me open my eyes to the life I was living — married to an abusive man — and start pulling myself out of that morass. I truly believe she helped save my life. In this book, she provides the basics of her teachings, including the first lesson of her powerful Feel Free to Prosper program. It is well written and provides you with actionable information.

NOTE: I recommended this book when asked “What is the best self-development book you’ve ever read and why is it different from the rest?” for this recommended reading roundup post on

e2 by Pam Grout

E-Squared: Nine Do-It-Yourself Energy Experiments That Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality
By Pam Grout
Would you like to test out your positive mindset skills? This book provides experiments you can do that will help you see how Universal Laws are acting in your life. I found it both fun and empowering. Pam’s easy-to-read, personable writing style was enjoyable to consume, as well.

The Prospering Power of Love

The Prospering Power of Love
By Catherine Ponder
I’ll admit the cover on this one isn’t all that inspiring, but you really can’t judge a book by its cover. This little book is chock full of examples where approaching circumstances with love have led to prosperity. It includes affirmations — which I’ve used to positive effect — that you can apply to your own life and lift yourself up.

T.A. for Tots cover

T.A. for Tots: And Other Prinzes (Transactional Analysis for Everybody Series)
by Alvyn Freed
My father gave me a copy of this book when I was in grade school, thus introducing me to the concept of warm fuzzies and cold pricklees. It changed my life and probably was the seed of self-help that eventually sprouted into my self-help journey and teachings today. Although written for very young children, older folks can get something out of this, too. For we are all prinzes!

The Tap by Frank McKinney

The Tap
by Frank McKinney
I first heard of Frank McKinney when I was given a copy of his first book (a children’s book) to review for my science fiction site. I’ve been aware of all his books since. In this one, he shares his spiritual laws of success, which he attributes to his success in life as a high-end real estate investor. In this book he talks about accepting the inherent responsibility and gaining the confidence in your ability to handle more, whether it’s more wealth, health, happiness, or relationships. It is easy to ready and provides much food for thought. You can read my full review here.

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