Book Review: “The Tap” by Frank McKinney

by | Mar 7, 2018 | Mindset, Reviews, Self Discovey

I’ve often mentioned the importance of having a relationship with the divine. Frank McKinney’s book The Tap provides some solid advice for how to cultivate this relationship and be open for when the Divine “taps” you on the shoulder and calls you to service.


Title: The Tap
By Author: Frank McKinney
Publisher: HCI
Available through Amazon in hardcover and Kindle editions. ou can find it at other online and offline booksellers, as well.

Summary of The Tap

Inspired by the biblical passage, “from those to whom much is entrusted, much will be expected,” Frank McKinney describes a spiritual practice that will make you more open to “Tap moments” — those moments when Gog calls you to do and be more. By being open to and acting on those “Taps,” McKinney suggests that you will be embracing the rewards and responsibilities of a blessed life. Using anecdotes from people he knows, as well as from his own life, McKinney brings this abstract concept to life.

What I liked about The Tap

There is so much I liked about this book! Foremost is that it is really well written. McKinney has a personable writing style that makes the reader feel like he is talking directly to him or her. The stories he tells are often vivid and, if not always relatable to the less adventurous, at least they are easy to understand and comprehend.

McKinney not only shares his “Tap” philosophy, he also provides actionable steps you can take — starting today — to start you on your journey to a more blessed life. The book follows a logical progression: Feel the Tap, Act on the Tap and beyond.

I particularly liked Chapter Twelve, “Doing the Opposite Attracts,” where he discussed myths or traps that people fall into and what he believes is a better way to go, one that will open you more to the “Tap.”

What I didn’t like about The Tap

I’m on the fence with this “criticism”: McKinney shares a lot about his rather extravagant and adventurous lifestyle. On the one hand, it illustrates how he walks his talk. On the other, it can seem a bit daunting to those (like me) who are a bit timider in their interests. McKinney is a larger than life kind of guy, which makes him both charismatic and off-putting at the same time.


If you are open and ready for the Divine to be an active part of your life, prospering you spiritually, emotionally and even financially, then I urge you to read The Tap. Yes, it has a Christian foundation, but I believe that the “Tap” is nondenominational, so as long as you are not offended by the term “God” or the fact that the author is Catholic and mentions going to church, then you could find some real value in this book.


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For More Information

I’ve mentioned this book in a recent episode of the Weekday Wisdom, Episode 38: “Can faith and business mix?” You can read, listen to or view it here. Other posts you may find of interest include:

NOTE: I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. If you’ve read past book reviews, you’ll know that I don’t pull my punches when I believe they are warranted. I also try to provide balanced information so you can make your own decision to read or not read the book, even if you disagree with my opinion.


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