Top 5 Business Women Lunch List

by | Feb 1, 2008 | Uncategorized

On Jan. 23, I was interviewed for’s Wednesday Chat on how to boost your business with blogs. As part of that conversation, we talked about “blog memes,” which basically, much like all memes, are catchphrases or sound bites that get propagated throughout the blogosphere.

Out of that conversation came the idea of the “Lunch List” — a list of people you would just love to have lunch with. I really liked that idea and, believe me, I could come up with a whole bunch of such lists.

However, since I usually work with women, I thought I would share with you my Top 5 Business Women Lunch List. This is a list of five women I would love to have lunch with so that I could not only enjoy their interesting and sparkling personalities but also learn a few things that might help me improve my business (which, of course, I would pass on to you!).

So, here it goes, in no particular order:

Ali Brown

Ali Brown, the E-Zine Queen

Back in 2003 I took a course in travel writing. Because of that course, I came up with the idea of an online travel magazine for science fiction, fantasy and horror fans. During my initial research on e-zine publishing, I discovered Ali. From there, she’s lead me to discover a whole world of top-notch online copywriters and Internet Marketers that has eventually lead me to where I am today. So, in some respect, I owe it all to Ali.

Lorrie Morgan-Ferrero

Lorrie Morgan-Ferrero, Red Hot Copy

Because of Ali, I discovered Lorrie. There is just something about her personality that shines through her copy that makes me believe that she would just be a whole lot of fun to hang out with. On top of that, she’s a top-notch copywriter and I can always improve my writing.

Melanie Benson Strick

Melanie Benson Strick, The Entrepreneur’s Success Coach

I can’t remember how I found Melanie, but I can say that I’m very glad I took her “The Unstoppable Goals Method” coarse. It really helped me hone my organizational skills, focus on what I wanted out of my business life and move further toward a good business mindset.

Larina Kase

Larina Kase, Performance Success & Coaching

I’ve listened to several of Larina’s teleseminars and she comes off as a a warm, approachable person. In addition, as a professional with a psychology degree (PsyD), she has a wealth of information that most business coaches probably don’t have.

Debbi Fields

Debbi Fields, Mrs. Fields’ Cookies

O.K. I’ll admit I’m a cookie monster and quite the fan of Mrs. Fields’ chocolate chip macadamia nut cookies. But think of this: When Debi started her business, she was a young mother with no business experience and from that humble beginning has grown an entire empire! Plus she obviously loves to cook and so do I. 😉

Now, I would like to challenge you to share your Lunch List. Who would you just love to sit down at your neighborhood deli with so you could enjoy their company and pick their brain?

For this month, let’s keep it limited to businesswomen. Also, feel free to suggest other lunch lists for this blog. I’d love to hear your suggestions for content as well as comments on the content already posted here.


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