Three Steps to Owning Your Awesome

by | Oct 31, 2014 | Authenticity, Mindset, Self Discovey

build a solid foundation

© Stanislav Komogorov |; Design: Carma Spence

Isn’t it interesting how things can be so simple and yet not very easy at the same time? That’s what its like for Owning Your Awesome. Every successful person owns it … they know who they are, they stand in their self-knowledge with confidence and they build their life and business around what makes them, well, them.

If you want to be a success in your life — reach heights the likes of Oprah Winfrey, Joan Rivers and Maya Angelou — then you need to Own Your Awesome first. You can’t reach your true potential without that foundation. Here are three simple steps to Owning Your Awesome and building a foundation for a brilliant life:

1. Inquire within

I discussed this step in an earlier post. Successful people know who they are. They have unveiled their true self, uncovered their core personality and loved what they saw. They understand their strengths, know how to work with their “weaknesses” and used this knowledge to build a life they love. In this step, you build self-esteem and learn to love all your parts, inside and out.

2. Bring your self-knowledge out into the world with confidence

Now that you know who you are, you need to bring your true self out into the world confidently. You need to stand for something worthwhile to you — not someone else. In this step you authentically shine your light into the world and deliver the gifts only you can deliver.

3. Build your life and business around your core strengths, message and values.

As an entrepreneur, your success is built upon your passion for what you do. Your passion is fueled by your self-knowledge and sustained by your confidence in that knowledge. The first two steps helped you discover your core strengths, unveil your unique message and identify your core values. You’ve built your solid foundation. In this step, you build upon that foundation, bringing to fruition a business that is uniquely you and profoundly magnetic because of that core authenticity.

As you can see, these steps are simple. They are easy to understand. However, implementing them is not necessarily easy. Some people can take years just on the first step. But, because each step builds on the one before, it does get easier over time. And, as most self-development processes are, this one is iterative — you’ll cycle through each step and you grow, learn and evolve.

Originally created for the platform, launched in September of 2014, my content on Fridays helps you “Own Your Awesome” in the eight facets of your life.

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