The Mission Statement: The Second Brick of Your Business Plan Wall

by | Oct 6, 2010 | Planning Your Business

mission statement
In my first post of the month, I talked about building your business like you would build a wall … one brick a time. And that you need a plan so that you know where each of those bricks should be laid. I discussed the first brick in your business plan on Monday. Today, I’ll write about the second brick … the mission statement.

Your mission statement takes the dream from the vision statement and anchors it in the present. It answers the question, “Why does your business exist?” It boldly states what makes your business, products and services unique.

So, you need to be very clear on where you are now and where you want to be along the path to your vision in about one to five years time. You need to understand what your unique selling proposition is. You need to know what your business stands for.

Here’s an example mission statement:

DragonWyze Solutions’ mission is to empower creative professionals to master their online presence so they can leverage it to build their careers and businesses by providing coaching and consulting services, as well as information products, focused on online marketing methods and techniques.

When you compare this to the vision statement in Monday’s post, you’ll notice that I’ve gotten a bit more specific on what I offer, while also adding personality to my company. I did this by using strong verbs such as “empower” and “master” … because these are words that, I believe, convey my purpose on this planet … to be the wind beneath your wings.

What verbs describe your mission? Make them potent. Make them powerful. Make them grab you, shake you and command you to pay attention. Verbs are much more powerful than adjectives, when used correctly. Make your verbs count!

Create a Business and Marketing Plan You Can Use!

Create a business and marketing plan that is agile enough for you to actually use it. Plan Your Business Vision was created with creative small business owners and entrepreneurs in mind … its simple, effective and gives you the flexibility you need to express your creativity.

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