The CAP Podcast, Episode 31: Fear and your business

by | May 21, 2015 | C.A.P. Podcast, C.A.P. Podcast - Audio

After sharing my dream about the blood ogre with my friend Souldancer, he suggested we do a podcast about fear. This episode is the result.

During the podcast, we chat about what fear is and how letting go of the need to understand can help alleviate so much of our fear — as well as our inherent resistance to letting go of understanding.

“Fear, once confronted, evaporates.”
~ Souldancer

There are two kinds of fear:

1. Rational — the fear of doing something that will actually hurt you like putting your hand into fire or jumping off a cliff with no safe landing available

2. Irrational — the fear of anticipated pain that may not happen, such as the fear of public speaking or the fear of taking a bolder action in your business

In business, these kinds of fears — most especially the latter — create a dichotomy, a tug-of-war game so to speak, between surviving and thriving. Letting go of control (aka understanding) and therefore much of your fear helps you land on the side of thrive more often.

Our brains are wired to keep us in the status quo … to our brain, that which is unknown is unsafe, regardless of whether it is actually safe or not. This is where irrational fears are born.

“When I allow my energy to be more neutral, it creates this vaccine around me. It allows me grace, and in that grace-fullness, fear dissolves.”
~ Souldancer

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1 Comment

  1. Marsha Sortino

    Carma, It was such a pleasure to meet you and Soul on a hangout!! I also am enjoying my new journey and discovering my worth. Aloha


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