Stress the ability to lead

by | Mar 16, 2015 | C.A.P. Podcast, C.A.P. Podcast - Video, Entrepreneurship, Mindset

The CAP Podcast with guest Dr. Jacinth Tracey

In this third excerpt of The C.A.P. Podcast featuring guest Dr. Jacinth Tracey, we talk about how stress affects women’s ability to be a leader in their lives, careers and businesses.

Stress in the short term can be beneficial, however when it gets out of control and you experience it on a regular, ongoing basis, it can have serious side effects. Chronic stress can lead to a variety of health problems, including strokes, heart attacks, chronic lung infections, frequent colds, reproductive issues, among others.

Stress affects the more primitive part of our brain, especially the amygdala, thus reducing our ability to use the more strategic parts of our brain. This affects decision making, leadership and cognitive abilities.

To listen to the complete podcast, click here.


[/one_fifth][four_fifth_last]I would LOVE to answer your questions on future episodes of The C.A.P. Podcast! Do you have a question about overcoming money blocks, online marketing, public speaking or mindset/universal laws? Do you struggle with integrating creativity, authenticity or even profitability into your business? Send your questions to Paul Robinson at with the subject line: “CAP Podcast question.”[/four_fifth_last]

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