Power Thought: Your path is probably not a straight line

by | May 13, 2015 | Entrepreneurship, Mindset, Power Thoughts

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Where you are and the choices you make lead you along the crooked line through the Twilight Zone that will become the shortest distance between where you once were and where you are ultimately meant to be.

Photo: NASA; Design: Carma Spence

Where you are and the choices you make lead you along the crooked line through the Twilight Zone that will become the shortest distance between where you once were and where you are ultimately meant to be.

“Sometimes it happens that the shortest distance between two points
is a crooked line through the Twilight Zone.”
~ Rod Sterling, The Twilight Zone,
Season 4, Episode 103, “In His Image”

What this quote means to women entrepreneurs:
There was a time when I had it all planned. I would do this, which would lead to that and I would accomplish my goals by following a strategic, well-planned path.

Well, life and God had other plans for me.

I became a science writer by first wanting to become a biologist. I got onto that path by first wanting to be an astronomer. My science writing career led me to online communications, which led me to becoming a web designer, which ultimately led to my current business as a life and business coach.

Who would have thought that the little girl who dreamed of being a scientist would end up helping people with their life and business paths?

And as convoluted and crooked that path seems from one vantage point, from another it appears to be the only way I could have become the me I am today.

A couple of weeks ago, I talked about the idea that you are exactly where you need to be. And then last week, I talked about how your choices — even those that don’t seem like choices — lead you to transformation. This week, I’m attempting to show you that where you are and the choices you are making are leading you through that crooked line through the Twilight Zone that will end up being the shortest distance between where you once were and where you are ultimately meant to be.

Therefore, I encourage you to enjoy the journey. Don’t bemoan at the frogs you’ve kissed along the way. Don’t rail at the walls you’ve had to scale. Don’t beat up on yourself for all the pot holes you’ve fallen into. They were all there to help hone you into the best you that you can be. The Twilight Zone may be strange and scary, but sometimes it’s also the best path for your growth.

Now It’s Your Turn:
Do you agree with my interpretation of today’s quote? Why or why not? What are your thoughts on crooked paths being the shortest distance? Do you feel like you’re stuck in the Twilight Zone? How have you dealt with that confusion, anger and frustration? Please share your ideas, experiences and sage wisdom in a comment below.


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