Power Thought: Not trying dooms you to failure

by | Feb 4, 2015 | Entrepreneurship, Mindset, Power Thoughts

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“You may be disappointed if you fail, but you are doomed if you don’t try.”
~ Beverly Sills

What this quote means to women entrepreneurs:

Do you have days where you just feel like nothing is going right? Like it might just be better to give up, thrown in the towel and eat some worms? I’ve had those days. Heck sometimes I still have them.

But one of the things that keeps me going, keeps me getting up in the morning and working on and in my business, is the idea that giving up guarantees failure. In fact, it guarantees the wrong kind of failure, the kind that does not lead to personal growth.

When you do your best and fail, you can learn from that experience. You can grow so that the next time you do your best, it will be better and, perhaps, you’ll succeed.

Throwing in the towel just leads to wallowing in your sorrow. And where’s the growth in that?

When things aren’t working out, ask yourself these questions:

  • Am I pulling my punches? Not playing full out?
  • Am I missing some knowledge or a team member to make this work?
  • Did I go into this without the faith that it would work?

When you identify why things aren’t working out, you can work toward fixing the problem. And be sure to dig into all the realms where self-sabotage can lie:

  1. Mindset and beliefs: Are you blocking your success with an unsupportive belief or block?
  2. Skills sets available: Do you and your team have the skills necessary to pull this off?
  3. Knowledge and access to information: Do you and your team have the knowledge necessary to pull this off?

If you can’t figure out why things aren’t working, that’s the time to get a coach or mentor, someone outside of you who has been through this before and can see your blindspots. If you think I can help, I invite you to schedule a Curious Conversation with Carma right now. During this session we’ll discuss where you are now, where you want to be, and how you can bridge that gap. You’ll

  • Create a crystal clear vision for your “ultimate business success” and the “perfect lifestyle” you’d like your business to provide.
  • Uncover hidden challenges that may be sabotaging the growth of your business and keeping you working too many hours.
  • Discover the one simple next-best step you can take immediately.
  • Leave this session renewed, re-energized, and inspired to turn your business into a highly profitable, revenue-generating machine that practically runs itself.

This is the best first step toward working with me. Valued at $199, it is my gift to you as part of my mission and commitment to unleash the inner power every woman entrepreneur possesses so they can boldly go out into the world, transforming the fabric of people’s lives in meaningful and positive ways.

Book Your Conversation Today!

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Now It’s Your Turn:

Do you agree with my interpretation of today’s quote? Why or why not? What are your thoughts on success, failure and giving up? Please share your ideas, experiences and sage wisdom in a comment below.


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