Make your opt-in box attract your website visitors’ eyes

by | Jan 31, 2011 | Marketing & Selling, Video

There are three ways you can do this:

Have a compelling opt-in bonus.
Make your gift in exchange for name and email address something your ideal clients really want, are looking for and would find of value.

Keep your opt-in box as high up on the page as possible.
You want your opt-in box to be one of the first things your visitors see when they get to your website. They should have to scroll down to find it.

Make your opt-in box stand out.
Your opt-in box shouldn’t blend in with the rest of your website. Give it a contrasting color. Include a picture of your opt-in bonus. Have a picture or a big red arrow point to it. Make it noticeable.


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This video podcast is sponsored by Home Sweet Home Page: The 5 Deadly Mistakes Authors, Speakers and Coaches Make with Their Website’s Home Page and How to Fix Them! Available in both paperback and e-book formats, including the Amazon Kindle. Written in simple language, short and to-the-point, this book can help you make your website more effective in attracting the right prospects and clients. And you can grab yours for only $9.99!



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